David Letterman
During his reign as late night talk show host, David Letterman has had numerous stoners as guests. And, it’s no secret that although he may joke here and there, it’s very clear that he doesn’t pass judgement against those who indulge.
When Seth Rogen appeared on The Late Show in 2012, David asked him if he was “loaded, weeded or stoned” right that second. Rogen explained that because he smokes pot regularly, it accumulates within his system. So, he’s never actually at a zero level of being high.
Letterman went on to ask Rogen intuitive questions about today’s cannabis. He asked about its potency, how to buy weed in legal states and where the best of the best is grown. Rogen told Letterman that would be Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
In 2014, America’s very first higher learning institution dedicated to marijuana opened. Dave used the launch of Clover Leaf University as a good reason to put together a “Top 10” marijuana course load. Two courses included Intermediate Cheech and Advanced Chong.

That October, The Late Show host compiled a list of questions for guest Bill O’Reilly. He asked a series of questions, which led to witty answers and jibs from both O’Reilly and Letterman. Then, the ultimate question… “Weed or booze?” to which he responded, “Neither, I’m boring.” Letterman responded with, “That’s two for weed.”
On May 15, 2015, Letterman blurted out to guest Oprah Winfrey, “What do you think about smoking weed? Are you smoking?” Both admitted to smoking bud in the past. Letterman recalled devouring two pints of ice cream, while Winfrey referred to her “sleeve of Oreos” caused by munchies.

Bill Maher
Bill Maher has been very vocal about his support for pot legalization throughout his career as a political commentator. This politically incorrect libertarian says that “grass” helps improve his writing. Maher says he finds weed to be a creative aid.
The Real Time with Bill Maher host says that staring at a black computer screen sober, leaves him wondering where to start. But, when he’s high, it’s just a matter of seconds before the creativity starts to flow.
In 2015, Maher went public about his love for 4/20, the unofficial holiday of cannabis enthusiasts. The comedian and media critic paid homage to the special “green” day with an original nursery rhyme written just for the occasion, Twas the Night Before 4/20.
On February 12, 2016, the HBO television host shocked the world when he sparked up a joint on the air. He, guest star pundit/rapper Killer Mike and other guest smoked the cannabis together.

Maher told the audience that he has glaucoma in his “third eye,” which is why he smokes marijuana. That’s when he pulled the joint out, informing the crowd that he does indeed have a medical marijuana card.
Bill Maher believes that the complete legalization of weed is a long way down the road. He notes how nonsensical it is that consumers can drink alcohol legally, and buy cigarettes legally. Yet, although pot is much less dangerous than these substances, the fight to legalize it still continues.
Soon after the on-air pot smoking event, Bill Maher took to Twitter to debunk claims that the joint did not contain marijuana. Maher confirmed in a tweet:
“Yup, that was real last night. And, I think, a first. (Zach’s was fake but he paved the way!) America, fuck yeah!”

Seth Green
Seth Green is an American actor, director, writer, producer and comedian. But, it’s the Adult Swim Robot Chicken’s voice star’s casual love for smoke pot that sets him aside from many other actors of his caliber.
Green became a world-famous star when he appeared in Austin Powers as Scott Evil. He’s also well-known for his Buffy the Vampire Slayer role as Oz. Now, he’s the voice behind characters on animated shows such as Family Guy and Greg the Bunny.
Many describe the celebrity as a nerd, while others insist he’s a stoner. Fans say this is evident in the things he says, and don’t say, when asked about smoking cannabis. According to the press, Green’s relationship with marijuana is a casual one.
As the driving force and voice behind one of Cartoon Network’s highest rated programs, Green doesn’t come right out and admit to smoking weed. However, his humor is the type that attracts stoners in droves, leaving many to believe he is indeed a pot smoker.
In the press, Seth Green has always admitted to using cannabis… implicitly. Fans have heard him imply that he does indulge, without saying it outright. He was interviewed by Time magazine, where he said that there the number of people who want to smoke marijuana with the comedic actor is quite alarming.
He notes that there are a lot of things that he’s done throughout his career that many potheads find entertaining and hilarious, stating:
“I wonder what that means.”

Dave Chappelle
When he walked off the very successful the Comedy Central sketch series Chappelle’s Show in 2005, Dave Chappelle was pegged a drug addict with mental health issues by the press. Nonetheless, the star told the world that he didn’t like the direction the show was taking, left for South Africa and became a recluse.
By 2012, the comedian was back on-stage doing standup comedy. During one Toronto show, part of a series of pop-ups, Chappelle smoked “numerous” marijuana cigarette on stage in front of a sold out entire crowd. As a matter of fact, he walked out smoking weed. This caused the city of Toronto to issue a warning to the star to not smoke pot on stage.
Dave Chappelle’s Colorado Performance
During a performance in Colorado, Dave Chappelle told the crowd that he’s been high all day because of the legalized marijuana. He then, asked if there were any veterans in the audience. An ex-Marine spoke up, and was called up to the stage. Chappelle passed him a cannabis cigarette, and he obliged, and they smoked the joint together on stage, which eventually was passed around the crowd.
Dave Chappelle: Half Baked and Fully Stoned
Along with Neal Brennan, Dave Chappelle co-wrote Half Baked, a 1998 cult stoner movie. He played a starring role as one of the cannabis-smoking friends trying desperately to get their other pothead friend out of jail. This movie quickly became a classic stoner film, placing it with the

Whoopi Goldberg
For years, Whoopi Goldberg has been boisterous about her love for cannabis. In 2014, she proved it to be more than just a fad in her life when she took on a role as a columnist for The Cannabist. Her very first project was a virtual ode to her vaporizer pen, which the view host affectionately calls Sippy.
Sippy, the talk show host’s vape pen, is her companion and remains near her side at all times. The actor suffers from glaucoma and says her “sassy sips” help relieve the pressure and pain caused by the disease.
Goldberg wrote to readers that she used to take fists full of Advil to help counteract the condition. Now, she uses a vape purely for medicinal purposes, as opposed to recreational. She insists that Sippy helps take away the aches, without giving her too much of a high.
She notes that the type of high she gets from her medicinal vape pen feels like a warm, gentle breeze, on a pretty day at the beach. It gives her relief without being overpowering.

In 2016, Whoopi teamed up with California medical cannabis products creator Maya Elisabeth to launch Whoopi & Maya. The company is dedicated to marijuana products specifically designed for women, such as those that help to relieve menstrual cramps and discomforts.
Goldberg not only provided financial backing for the company, but she lent her name to help with brand recognition within the medical cannabis market.
The product line aims to help users do three things:
1. Soak – Medical Cannabis Bath Soaks
2. Savor – Medical Cannabis THC Raw Cacao & CBD Raw Cacao
3. Rub –Medical Cannabis Body Balm

Seth MacFarlane
Seth MacFarlane has enjoyed major success thanks to animated series Family Guy, American Dad and The Cleveland Show and many other TV shows and movie films.
And, as it turns out, his passion for animation and their ways of reeling in cannabis-using viewers is no mistake. MacFarlane has admitted publicly that he not only smokes weed, but he’s also an advocate for legalizing it.
At a 2006 Stanford University speaking engagement, he told the audience about how Family Guy was developed. In an eloquent speech, he stated this it is true that’s smokes “some” pot. The TV producer said that he’s not ashamed to admit that he supports legalizing marijuana. What’s interesting is that in ’06, no state had legalized the “green” yet.
Seth MacFarlane says that it wouldn’t make since to legalize all drugs. However, cannabis is one that’s grown naturally, from the ground in a 2012 interview with Larry King. He notes that marijuana can be found and picked right in the wild, making it no different than deadly tobacco.
On April 19, 2009, Family Guy aired it’s infamous “420” episode, as an ode to the cannabis culture term and unofficial holiday. During the episode, character Brian goes on a political rampage after getting arrested for possession of marijuana. He successfully gets character Mayor West to legalize cannabis in Quahog, and most of the city’s people start using it.

George Carlin
George Denis Patrick Carlin, known by his stage name as simply George Carlin, was an actor, author, comedian and social critic. He was well-known for his black comedy, thoughts on the English language, religion, psychology, politics and various taboo topics, including marijuana.
Carlin’s 1972 comedy album release FM & AM proved he was dedicated to cannabis as much as standup. The AM side mocked clean cut humor from the Ed Sullivan Show. However, the FM side featured numerous references to marijuana, which the star admitted to using.
In 1982, during an interview with Playboy magazine, George Carlin was asked when and how he started doing drugs. The social critic admitted that he was an adolescent living in “white Harlem” on West 121st Street. At the time, his neighborhood was consumed with two drugs: heroin and weed.
By the time he was 13, Carlin and his friends were regular pot smokers. What he calls the “Reefer Madness Myth” was still prominent. But, as an avid jazz listener, he was subjected to lyrics that casually referred to cannabis. This “demystified” or normalized pot smoking in his mind.
In his 1997 HBO special George Carlin: 40 Years of Comedy, he spoke about cannabis and writing. The legendary comedian told Jon Stewart that there was always a joint near him somewhere. He may hit it once per month.
Yet, when it came time to write something, writing sober just didn’t cut it. But, let him smoke some weed. Just one hit of the reefer and it’s “punch-up time.” He noted that using marijuana sensibly did actually bring value to his life… and his writing.
Pot-smoking comedian George Carlin died on June 22, 2008 at the age of 71. The star lost a battle with heart failure.